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32. Showing authenticated state


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Let's update our navigation so we can see if a user is signed in and also get rid of links like register if we are signed in and specifically show things like dashboard if we are. Okay.
So before we do anything, let's just take a look at how we get the authenticated users details. We can check this just over on the home controller or even on the dashboard controller. It doesn't matter where we do this. Let's go ahead and pull in our auth functionality inside of here and let's just dump this when we invoke this controller.
So I'll kill the page here and let's go ahead and use dump here to access this auth. And sure enough, we have a get user method, which will grab the currently authenticated user. So if we head over to the browser and give this a refresh, sure enough, we now have an instance of an eloquent user with all of the attributes that we would expect. So remember Sentinel uses eloquent to get this working.
Now, before we go any further, one thing that we can do, because we've already got a user model inside of our application, we can actually configure which model gets used for the user that's returned with Sentinel. So at the moment, if we were to head over to our user model and start to add any methods on here, helpers or anything that we need, what we're going to end up with is the instance of the eloquent user and not our user. So let's change that over quickly and then we'll create a twig helper to access whether the user is authenticated and to grab their details and show them in the navigation. So remember a little bit earlier over in our config, we created this auth config, which came from Sentinel.
Let's search in here for model. And you can see that sure enough, this is the base model that's being returned when we see that authenticated user. So what we can do is very easily just switch this over to our instance of our model, extend the base eloquent user, which we need to do, and then just tidy up a couple of bits. So I'm going to switch this over to app models and user, and we just pull out the fully qualified namespace of that.
That will have been imported at the top, but you can do that in line if you want to. So now that we've done this, let's give the dashboard a refresh and you can see we get an error. That's just because our user model extends the base eloquent model and it doesn't extend the Sentinel model that we need. So let's go and extend, I think it's called eloquent model, our eloquent user.
And there we go. That's all we need to do. We'll have to add in some more fillable things, but that's fine for now. Give that a refresh and perfect.
We now have our own instance of our model being returned for that authenticated user. Now, what you'll find is when you try and register a user now, unless you have guarded set to false, you'll need to add in the fillable things. Now I don't typically use fillable when I'm working with eloquent. I just set guarded to false or just set guarded to the user's ID.
So I'm going to go ahead and uncomment this, get rid of fillable and just comment it out. And I'm going to change that to first name since we are dealing with a first name now, and I'm just going to set this to guard the ID. So now when we register users and it uses this model, it will be able to fill in all of the other fields in here. Okay.
So now that we've done that, we have access to our user, but what about this twig helper function? Well, we're just going to do exactly what we did before. So remember over in our view section, we have our twig extension, which registers out these functions. Let's register a new one here just called auth.
And we pretty much just want to return all of the auth functionality so we can use that in our templates. So over in the twig runtime extension, now we can create out a new method, which returns to our auth from the controller. So let's go ahead and say, get sentinel in here. That's all we need to do.
We should now have that function registered in our templates. So over in the navigation now, we can go ahead and just test dumping out the user. So let's just say auth.user.firstname. And because we're authenticated from the last episode, we should now see that.
Let's just get rid of that dump from the dashboard controller and we should be good. Okay. Let's have a look. And yeah, there we go.
We see my name. So we now know that we can use any of the auth functionality to do some checks. So let's go and just tidy up our navigation. So we know that the dashboard needs to be shown when we're signed in register and log in, which we'll be building in the next episode needs to be shown when we're not signed in.
So let's just start to create some if statements in here. So let's say if auth.check, so that will check if the user is authenticated and end the if there. So if we are authenticated, we show this. Otherwise, if we're not authenticated, so let's say if not auth check, it's a little bit different to standard PHP syntax within Twig.
So you have to sort of get used to this if you've not used it before, then we're good to go. Okay. So let's go and just add the user's name to a list item inside of here. So let's say auth and or first name, and we should be good.
There we go. So because we're signed in now, we have access to dashboard and it shows my name. And of course you can start that up how you want. If we manually get rid of our PHP session and give this a refresh, we're back to the state that we have here.
Now we can still access our dashboard. So we're going to be covering things like middleware a little bit later, so we can prevent a user accessing certain pages if they're not signed in. But for now, that is just changing state around with that Twig helper inside of our templates. And you can use that to output absolutely anything you need.
54 episodes4 hrs 45 mins


Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect.

Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP.

We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more.

Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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