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43. How middleware works


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We've already seen an example of middleware in action, but let's go ahead and build our own middleware to figure out how this works.
And then in the next few episodes, we'll discuss what we can do with this middleware. The two main things that we're going to be doing is creating our middleware to protect routes. For example, we're going to protect the dashboard route if the user is not signed in, and we're going to redirect them over to the login page.
And we're also going to look at some middleware to keep old form data. So if we have any validation errors, we want to keep that data inside of the forms. Both of these things can be achieved by middleware. Okay, so we saw this example of middleware here, but like I said, we haven't built our own.
So let's go over to the HTTP directory, and let's create another directory in here called middleware. And let's just build our own example piece of middleware. So I'm going to go ahead and create out a class in here, just call it example middleware. And let's go ahead and start to fill in what we need to get this working.
So really, the first thing that we need to do is implement the middleware interface. So let's go ahead and pull that in from PSR HTTP server. Remember, we're using the PSR standards within our router as well. So our middleware needs to implement this.
And then we go ahead and create out a process method. Now, we fill this in automatically within here, but let's just take a look at what we have here and here. So the first thing that we have is the request, we've already seen this within our application. This allow us to extract data from the current request, for example, what the method that's being used,
the location that's being requested, and any data inside of the request. But then we have this handler being passed in. Okay, so if you are new to middleware, let's take a minute to talk about how this works. So when we go ahead and register our route,
let's say that we wanted to apply the middleware that we've just created to our dashboard controller. Well, we can go ahead and just say middleware, and then we can new up the middleware that we want to use. In our case, it's this example middleware. Now, middleware will be called before each of these routes is hit,
or we can do something within the middleware after. Now, what will happen is we can add multiple middlewares to any of the routes. Remember, we've already got a piece of middleware here, which is globally set for any route, and checks for that post or other HTTP methods to verify our cross-site request forgery token.
Well, this middleware will be called for any of these routes, including the dashboard, but we will also call this example middleware. So we call this a middleware stack. It will call the first piece of middleware,
and the middleware is responsible for calling the next piece of middleware. And then if there are no more middlewares in the stack, then we just go ahead and show the route. So think of it like an onion. It works from the outside in to what you're trying to access.
Okay, so we've got this example middleware added. We're not going to do anything with this just yet. Let's just go over to our dashboard and hit enter. Okay, so we have an error here because we need to return a response from our middleware,
and we need to call the next piece of middleware. We just spoke about that, but at the moment, we're not doing anything in here. Okay, so to very basically just handle the next piece of middleware or the next request to that route, we're going to use that handler.
So we need to return this. So let's return that handler, and let's handle this passing through the request. Now, the reason that we pass the request through is because the next piece of middleware needs access to the request. We might have modified the request, added something to it, and this will ensure that it gets passed to the next piece.
Okay, now that we've done that, we give this a refresh. You can see that we just land on our dashboard. Nothing else is happening because we're not doing anything inside of that middleware. Let's go ahead and just var dump something at the top of this middleware.
So I'm just going to say called, and let's go over and just give this a refresh. Okay, so we get an error here because we're trying to emit a response, but you can actually see that it's called when we sort of refresh and just flash this. So although we're getting this error just because we are outputting content within PHP and the headers have already been sent by this,
it doesn't really matter. We can see this in action. Now, there are two different ways that you can call middleware. This is the before style.
So this var dump is called before we hit a request to our application. What you can also do is change this up so you can invoke middleware after your application root has been hit. Now, to do this, you're going to go ahead and create our response in here. Let's just get rid of this handler so we can see what we're doing.
You're going to go ahead and handle the next piece of middleware like we just did down there, passing the request in. Then you're going to do something in the middle, and then you're going to return the response. So this is an after piece of middleware because we are grabbing the next callable thing, and then we're doing something. So this happens afterwards, and what we saw before was doing something before and then returning the response.
So again, if we just var dump something out in here called after, let's go over and give our page a refresh, and this is actually happening after this root gets hit. Although we get this error, it doesn't really matter. Just keep these in your notes so if you want to do something after a request has been hit, use this method.
Otherwise, we're just going to go ahead and return the handler and do something before. Now, the majority of the time, you'll be writing middleware that does something before the request. For example, in the next episode, we are going to be covering how to create middleware, which will prevent a user from accessing the dashboard if they're not signed in.
54 episodes4 hrs 45 mins


Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect.

Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP.

We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more.

Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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