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20. Installing Twig


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So we can respond to requests within our application now, but there's a little problem. If we want to output anything more than just some basic HTML, we're going to need a way to construct
a full view in a completely separate file. So as an example, you wouldn't want to go ahead and start to create out any kind of real HTML structure within write. Doing something like this is absolutely fine, but of course, as a long-term solution, it's just not going to work. So for that, we're going to reach for a templating engine and we're going to use Twig here. Now you
can substitute this out for any templating engine you want. The general lifecycle of our application in terms of rendering a view, returning it to the user will be exactly the same. But for now, we'll go ahead and use Twig. Okay, so we want to go ahead and get this installed. So let's find out where we can install this and we will start to add this to our container. Okay, let's pull in the
composer require command to pull this in and let's install Twig. Okay, so we're going to add this to our container and the reason that we're going to add it to our container is because we want to eventually do something like this. We'll maybe have a view class that we'll create out to handle rendering. We'll have this inside of here and then inside of write, rather than construct the HTML
ourselves, we'll say this view and render. We'll choose a template file that will exist within our framework structure and we'll say something like home.twig and then we can even pass through any additional options here like the name of the application which we can use to render on this view. Now if you've not worked with Twig or views before, don't worry, we're going to go through it
step by step. Okay, so for now let's get rid of write and just write an empty string and let's go ahead and create a service provider to house our view functionality. So again we'll just create out a view service provider in here and we'll just paste in the app service provider and get rid of anything we don't need. Change the name over to view service provider and not forgetting over in config
an app to register this here as well. So let's pull that directly into here. Great! Okay, so now let's look at in our view service provider registering this on the container. Now what we want to do here is when we register this, we want this to be our own class. So we're going to say get container and we don't want to add this as something like the default Twig environment, so we have to reference
this when we pull it in. So why don't we just create out a really simple directory called views and we'll create out a php class in here called view and this will be what we add to our container. We'll fill this in in a minute. So let's say view class and in here we just do a little bit of setup with Twig to get this installed. Before we do anything let's not forget to add this to our
services like so and let's get Twig set up. So the first thing that we need to do is work out where our view files are actually coming from. So let's go and create out in the root here a directory called resources and then in here let's create another directory called views and while we're here we might as well just create a home.twig file with home in and this now can contain anything
Twig syntax, plain html and we can put as much as we want in here and now it's nicely separated away from our controller and we don't have to manually return a bunch of html. Okay so let's first of all grab where our files exist. So we're going to go and print out a new file system loader which is from Twig and we just need to point to the directory of our views, the top level directory.
So let's grab the current directory that we're in, let's go back into our main directory, go into resources and go into views. So now we know where these views exist and we can have sub directories inside of our views as well it doesn't matter. Next is creating a Twig instance itself. So again we're going to create out a new environment which is why we did create out our own view class because
we don't want to reference this by environment everywhere. Into here we pass in the loader so this knows where to load files from and then we just have a bunch of options that we can define. So for example we can choose to cache this. I'm going to set this explicitly to false just for now but this is either false or the location of where you want your views to be cached. We'll probably
cover that a little bit later. We can also go ahead and set whether we want debugging to be enabled or not. We're going to set that to true just for now and then we can use our config to change that up later. So there's a bunch of other stuff that we can do down here like registering extensions and we'll be doing that later when we create some helper functions for our Twig templates
but for now we just want to return a new view class which is that own class that we created and we want to pass Twig in that we've created here as a dependency to this so we can render stuff out. Okay let's go over to our home controller and let's take a look at accessing this. So we already pulled that in as an example let's now import app views and view and then just
before we do anything here let's kill the page and let's just var dump on this out of our container just to make sure everything is working. So let's just say this view and let's have a look. Okay let's go over and view service provider not found so let's just check this out and make sure that we did everything correctly and we didn't so let's go ahead and rename this to view service
provider and again just go over to our config and app just to make sure that this is registered properly and my editors changed that for me. Okay refresh and there we go we have our view instance. So now that Twig is installed let's go over to the next episode and look at how we can use this now to render out the contents of that Twig home.twig file and see it on the page.
54 episodes4 hrs 45 mins


Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect.

Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP.

We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more.

Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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