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31. Registering and authenticating a user


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Now that we've got the data that we need to register a user,
registering a user isn't very difficult at all. We've already set up Sentinel over in our auth service provider, and remember we returned this or added this to our container. So we can very easily access this out of our container,
call any of the methods that Sentinel has to register a user, log a user in, whatever we need to do. Okay, so let's go back to our register controller and we'll start to do this now. Now bear in mind at this point we're not validating.
Validation is obviously incredibly important. We're also not going to catch any kind of error here, for example, if the user already exists. So we will be doing that when we get to validation and also flashing messages.
Okay, so to register a user, we need to pull Sentinel in at the top here. So let's go ahead and pull Sentinel in, and we'll just name that auth so we can access it really conveniently. And let's go ahead and register a user.
So to register a user, let's access Sentinel, and we're going to say register. Now we can either register a user or register and activate them. Later on, if you wanted to add these ability to send emails, you could register them, send off an email,
and they would have to click a link in their email. We're not going to be doing that just yet. So let's choose register and activate, which will activate that user's account. Now this method expects, if we just check this out, an array of credentials.
So things like the first name, email, and password. The hashing will be taken care of for you, so you don't have to manually hash any passwords. So all we really need to do is just parse in the parsed body that we did before.
And that is as easy as it is now to register an account. Now there's one other thing that we're going to look at, which we haven't touched on just yet, which is redirecting a user. So to redirect a user, we want to return a response,
but we want to do something slightly different. We don't just want to return a standard response like we've been doing. Instead, we want to return a redirect response. So a redirect response from that direct Taurus package
will go ahead and redirect the user to a specific location. So we already have that dashboard page, and it makes sense after the user's registered to redirect them straight to their dashboard.
So this isn't going to look great at the moment because we're not validating anything. We're not flashing any messages. We're not even showing if the user is signed in,
and we're not even signing the user in here, but we'll see the redirect in action, and then we'll go ahead and check out what else we can do. Okay, let's go over to register.
Remember over in the database under users, we don't have any users at the moment. We cleared that out earlier. Let's try and register an account for myself,
and we'll see what happens. Okay, let's hit register here. And there we go. So we were redirected over to the dashboard.
So that redirect response works, and let's give the database a refresh. So as you can see, everything that we need is filled in, including the hashed password, super useful,
really, really easy to get this working. Now, as part of the registration process, technically now we're not signed in. So throughout the course,
if you want to sign the user out because we're not at the point yet that we are actually implementing the logout, head over to your session storage or your cookie storage
and just get rid of the PHP session ID. And I don't think there'll be anything in session storage, no. So we're just dealing with cookies here.
So clear that out. We know that we are not signed in at the moment. Let's go ahead and actually sign the user in after we have registered them.
So what we're gonna need to do is wrap this in an if statement. So let's create out an if statement here, and let's pop this just directly
into the actual if statement itself. And what we're gonna do is assign the user, which gets returned from this register and activate method. So this register method here will create the user for us,
and then it will return that user. So with that, we'll have the user after they've registered, and then all we need to do is just call auth and login, and we just wanna pass the instance of the user in.
So when we log in, we can either pass an instance of the user who has been registered, or we can pass in the credentials that we want to use.
Okay, so this should log us in now, and then in the next episode, we're gonna look at updating our state. Okay, let's just try this out one more time.
So we'll need to clear out the record in the database here. Let's head back over and register a new account, and that should sign us in, although we won't have any knowledge of it.
Okay, great. So we are technically signed in. If we head over to application and cookies, this session will now let us know that we're signed in.
Okay, so we've registered an account. We've got a lot of work to do in terms of validation, checking that the user was actually created properly and flashing any errors if it wasn't,
but let's go to the next episode and just change around the state of the navigation so once we have registered an account, we know that we are signed in.
54 episodes4 hrs 45 mins


Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect.

Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP.

We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more.

Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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