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  1. 1
    Build Your Own PHP Framework

    Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect. Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP. We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more. Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

    2h 57m
  2. 2
    Build a Trello Clone With Livewire

    Get ready to master drag and drop sorting in Livewire, by building a Trello clone. We’ll start out by building the interface completely from scratch, then add the ability to sort columns and cards, including moving cards around columns. As we sort everything, we’ll keep the database perfectly updated with the new order. Our Trello clone will also allow us to edit column titles inline, edit cards and add notes, archive cards and columns, and put them back on the board.

    2h 27m
  3. 3
    Authentication with Laravel Sanctum and Vue

    Learn how to authenticate with a Laravel API from Vue using the Composition API. We'll start by setting up a fresh Laravel project with Sanctum and Fortify, configure everything step-by-step, and then implement the ability to authenticate from Vue with a simple auth module — thanks to the flexibility of the Composition API. In the second half of the course, we’ll create our own beautiful starter kit with more features, including registration and middleware to protect routes.

    1h 35m


  1. 1
    Build Your Own PHP Framework

    Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect. Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP. We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more. Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

    2h 57m
  2. 2
    Build an Appointment Booking System With Inertia

    Building an availability calendar and booking system is a notoriously difficult problem to solve. That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this course. Step by step, we’ll build an appointment slot generator that calculates availability based on employee schedules, employee’s booked time off, the length of service chosen, existing appointments, and cancelled appointments. For maximum flexibility, we’ll also allow multi-employee availability checks, so we’ll be able to see every employee who can perform a service (and their available slots). To finish up, we’ll create an entire booking flow with Inertia (using Vue), including a beautiful booking calendar that shows detailed availability across multiple dates, the ability to choose a time slot — and finally the ability to book an appointment. Phew. We’ve got a lot to learn — let’s build a booking system with Inertia!

    5h 0m
  3. 3
    Learn Livewire

    Ready to learn Livewire? Throughout this course, we’ll build up a real application that touches almost every aspect of Livewire — leaving you ready to start building your own applications.

    2h 52m

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