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Build a Realtime Chat with Laravel, Vue and Pinia

Using the power of Reverb, let’s build a realtime multi-room chat with Laravel and Vue with Inertia, pulling in Pinia for state management. We’ll cover: - Using the Intersection Observer API to automatically load previous chat messages - State management with Pinia - Using presence channels to show online users for each room - Client-to client communication to show who’s typing - Using flexbox tricks to keep messages scrolled into view as they roll in

21 episodes
1 hr 41 mins
One Million Checkboxes with Laravel

How do you render one million checkboxes in a browser and keep them synced in realtime? Well, using a combination of virtual scroll rendering, Redis bitmaps and bi-directional WebSocket communication. Let’s cover each of these concepts to build up this fun project — you’ll be surprised at how useful these techniques are for your own applications.

16 episodes
1 hr 17 mins
Vue Script Setup for Single File Components

The Vue script setup syntax lets you clean up your Vue script area when you're using the Composition API. Variables and imports are automatically shared with your template, there's less boilerplate code, and it's faster in runtime performance! In this series, we'll cover everything you need to know about working with the script setup syntactic sugar.

10 episodes
40 mins
Build a Blog with Laravel and Vue

Build a beautiful blogging platform from scratch with Laravel and Vue. Features an admin panel, a powerful writing experience with tiptap editor, and heavy focus on the Vue composition API. It's packed with loads of useful tips and techniques for your own projects.

31 episodes
3 hrs 8 mins
Build a Quote Collector App in Laravel and Vue (with Vite)

Integrate a Vite-built Vue app into Laravel, and build a fun little app to learn the basics! We'll cover routing, state management with Vuex, the Composition API and more.

13 episodes
54 mins
Vue Middleware Pipelines

Chances are, you're creating middleware for Vue Router inside the beforeEach hook on your router. In this course, we'll create a middleware pipeline to run multiple, separated middleware in a pipeline.

5 episodes
30 mins
Build a File Sharing SaaS App

Let’s build a file sharing SaaS app with Laravel and Vue! Featuring direct, signed uploads to S3 with FilePond, secure sharing, tiered pricing plans, usage statistics and more.

68 episodes
6 hrs 47 mins
Build a Vue Dropdown Menu

A quick course on building a super flexible dropdown menu with Vue, focusing on how to achieve ultimate customisation using slots and slot props.

13 episodes
42 mins
The Vue 3 Composition API

With Vue 3 comes a brand new way to define component logic. This function-based API gives you everything you're used to, but allows for more flexibility and better code and project organisation. This course covers everything you need to know.

17 episodes
2 hrs 1 min
New in Vue 3

A roundup of what's new in Vue 3, including a dive into the Composition API and plenty of practical examples.

6 episodes
1 hr 4 mins