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12. Signing out


We're now going to look at signing out. Obviously, we're going to do this over in our app navigation component. But once again, you can call this from anywhere,
since the package we've used gives us that composable. Let's go ahead and create out a button in here for the user to sign out. And we're going to hook this up to a method. Let's say be on click and let's just call this log out.
Okay, let's build this up here. So log out and create this out here. And let's just do nothing in there for now. OK, so we can hit sign out to hopefully sign ourselves out.
How do we do this? Well, once again, from the use Sanctum Auth composable, we can pull out a log out method. Now, we've called this the same thing here.
So if you wanted to, you could go ahead and alias it by just using a colon and then changing the name over. So now we can call a method called log out action. Let's go ahead and do that now.
So let's await on this and we'll make this async and let's invoke log out action. That is all we need to do to sign ourselves out. OK, let's go ahead and try this out. Let's bring up our network tab just to make sure that everything is working
and hit sign out. And as you can see, we've got a cause error. Well, that's just going back to our API and making sure that we add the log out route, which is provided by Laravel Fortify into here. You see a cause error for any of the functionality you want to implement.
Just make sure it's set under your paths. OK, let's try this out again. Hit sign out. And there we go. We are signed out.
Now, what happens if we want to go ahead and redirect once we are signed out to a specific location? Well, there's a couple of ways to do this, and I'm going to show you both. So the first way is to come back over
to our Nuxt config and under our sanctum redirect, we can use on log out. So let's say that on log out, we want to go back to the homepage or a completely different page altogether. We can go ahead and define it in here.
As an example, let's just create out another page just so we can see this redirecting over to a different location, because at the moment, none of our pages really make sense. So let's create out a component in here
called example, and we'll go ahead and just create out some text inside of here and keep it simple. OK, so once again, if we want to go ahead and redirect to example, once we're logged out, we can use this in here. OK, let's go over and we'll sign back in.
And let's go ahead and sign out. And there we go, we're redirected to example. If you have a very specific requirement to what happens when you're logged out, let's go ahead and get rid of this option
and let's manually look at redirecting. So over in our app navigation, it kind of makes sense to say that we want to log out and then we want to redirect so we can use the navigate to function and we can just pass in a path.
Let's choose example. Now that we've done this, let's take a look at what happens. So let's go back over to sign in and let's sign ourselves in and let's hit sign out. Now we're going to keep an eye on our console here when we hit sign out.
And yeah, everything looks good. So we're redirecting manually over to here now. And this is useful if you want to flash a message and then redirect the user or you have any additional logic in here
that you want to use once the user is redirected. So two options in here. I'll leave this one in here for now, but otherwise you can define this directly inside of the config.
17 episodes1 hr 1 min


Learn how to build a full authentication boilerplate with Nuxt, Sanctum and Fortify.

This course covers everything you need to get started with authentication with Nuxt and Laravel. We’ll start by setting up a Nuxt project and configuring Laravel Sanctum, then add the ability to register, sign in and sign out.

We’ll also cover some TypeScript tips, protecting pages with middleware, and using Vue composables to keep our code tidy.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!


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