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17. Showing validation errors


At the moment, we're not displaying any validation errors. Let's go ahead and fix that now. So we'll start with the login page and then we'll just be able to easily add these to any other pages.
Okay. So let's go over to our login page and think about what we need to do here. So when we go ahead and send this login request or any of the other requests we're sending, we can just wrap this in a try catch and then go ahead and get the
error back, let's go ahead and catch this error in here, and that's going to be just a type of any, and let's go ahead and console log out this error. Okay. So if we go over and pull up our console, let's just get rid of the
predefined email and password in here. And let's try and send this down. Okay. So let's go ahead and hit sign in.
And yeah, we get a fetch error in here with the status code. Now from this error, we can actually extract the data out. If we go ahead and use console.dir, we can actually dive into this. So if we just open this up, you can see that we've got this data in here, which
is an object, and we've got all of the errors that come back from our API. So what we can do with this is create our up here and errors ref just to hold any of them errors. We'll change this up with a type in just a second, but
let's get these set first of all. So if we do catch an exception in here, we kind of want to make sure the status is 422. So let's go ahead and just have a look at this object again.
And you can see in here, we've got a status code. So let's say if, and we'll take the error and grab the status code from this, if it is equal to 422, then the errors value, cause it's a ref now. We want to set to E dot data, and then we have errors directly inside of that.
Okay. Let's just dump these errors out on the page first of all, and then we'll go ahead and hook them up. Okay.
So if I hit sign in, there we go. We've got all of the errors and we can start to output them on the page. Let's just go ahead and type this first of all. So if we think about it, we have got an object with a key
and then an array of strings. So let's go ahead and create out an interface for this, just so we know the type of each thing. So let's just do this at the top here and we'll create an interface
out here called validation errors. And in here we have an array with a key, which is a string. And then into that, we have a array of strings. So again, completely optional, but it helps to type this.
So let's go ahead and type this out here with this and we should be good. Okay. So that's going to work in exactly the same way, but now it's typed and now we can just go through in our template and output these errors.
So let's just do this really basically. We'll just have a VF here and we'll just say, if, if that does exist, we'll take the errors from the email and we'll just grab the first one and we'll do the same thing for the password just down here as well and switch these two
things over, okay, great, let's go over and try this out and you already saw a flicker of it there, but now we are displaying errors, let's go ahead and add this just to one more of our pages, just to test this out and then I'll let you go ahead and add this to the other ones if you want to, okay.
So once again, somewhere in here, we're going to define out our errors, which is a ref with an object in, and again, this is going to be a validation errors type in here, again, we want to check this for the error, so we're going to go ahead and try all of this because we don't want to navigate if we do have an
exception and we want to catch that error here, which will have a type of any, and then we want to set that errors, so errors.value and we'll set that to edata and errors, but only if we have a 422 status code, so let's pull that inside of this if statement and we'll check the status code for 422, okay,
great, we just need to do exactly the same thing now in our template and we're done, okay, so in here, we'll create out an if statement, if errors name, then output and grab the first error from that stack and we'll just copy this down for each of these, so we want this to be email and we want this
one to be password, okay, that should be good enough, let's go over and try this out, so let's hit create an account, we'll get rid of the defaults in here once again, now that'll be done, let's get rid of these ones and let's try this out, there we go, great, we now have working validation.
17 episodes1 hr 1 min


Learn how to build a full authentication boilerplate with Nuxt, Sanctum and Fortify.

This course covers everything you need to get started with authentication with Nuxt and Laravel. We’ll start by setting up a Nuxt project and configuring Laravel Sanctum, then add the ability to register, sign in and sign out.

We’ll also cover some TypeScript tips, protecting pages with middleware, and using Vue composables to keep our code tidy.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!


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