Topic: Testing

Browsing all Testing courses

Testing Inertia with Dusk

How do you test real flows through your Inertia applications? With end-to-end tests! In this course, we’ll cover everything you need to know about setting up, writing and running browser-based tests. Once we’re done, we’ll configure CI (Continuous Integration) with GitHub Actions, to run your tests whenever you push new code. Don’t use Inertia? No worries — there’s plenty to learn about end-to-end tests with Dusk in here too.

2 hrs 53 mins
Testing Email Sending with Laravel Dusk

If you're browser testing with Laravel Dusk, chances are you haven't not been able to verify that emails are being sent – that's because Dusk runs in a browser environment. In this video, we'll set Dusk up to test sending an email, and show you how to use Laravel email fakes (and a helpful package) to test that an email has been sent.

12 mins
Up And Running with Pest

Pest is a PHP testing framework that brings beautifully simple syntax to your tests, without sacrificing on features. In this course, we'll get up and running with Pest in a Laravel project and write tests for a real-world application that we'll build along the way. You'll learn how to set Pest up in a Laravel project, write tests with Pest's built-in assertions, generate code coverage, and more.

4 hrs 19 mins