Topic: Laravel Sanctum

Browsing all Laravel Sanctum courses

Real-time with Nuxt and Laravel

Using Reverb and Laravel Echo, let’s add real-time broadcasting to a Nuxt SPA, driven by Laravel. We’ll start with the basics of public channels without authorization. Once we’re set up and able to broadcast to all clients perfectly, we’ll dive into authentication and authorizing private channels by modifying how Laravel Echo authorizes with our API. By the end of the course, you’ll have everything you need to start adding real-time broadcasting to your Nuxt/Laravel applications.

53 mins
Nuxt 3 Authentication with Laravel Sanctum

Learn how to build a full authentication boilerplate with Nuxt, Sanctum and Fortify. This course covers everything you need to get started with authentication with Nuxt and Laravel. We’ll start by setting up a Nuxt project and configuring Laravel Sanctum, then add the ability to register, sign in and sign out. We’ll also cover some TypeScript tips, protecting pages with middleware, and using Vue composables to keep our code tidy.

1 hr 1 min
Authentication with Laravel Sanctum and Vue

Learn how to authenticate with a Laravel API from Vue using the Composition API. We'll start by setting up a fresh Laravel project with Sanctum and Fortify, configure everything step-by-step, and then implement the ability to authenticate from Vue with a simple auth module — thanks to the flexibility of the Composition API. In the second half of the course, we’ll create our own beautiful starter kit with more features, including registration and middleware to protect routes.

1 hr 35 mins