

A PHP micro-framework that helps you quickly write simple, powerful web applications and APIs.

The latest

Who Paid 99¢ Clone with Slim

Learn Slim, payment processing with Stripe and more, as you follow this fun, lighthearted clone of “Who Paid 99¢”.

19 episodes
1 hr 54 mins
Build a self-destructing message app

This fun app sends messages by email that self destruct on opening. It's a great way to practice working with Slim, with techniques like rendering views, using controllers, sending email, working with a command bus and more.

14 episodes
1 hr 19 mins
Structuring a Slim 4 Project

The flexibility of Slim means you can structure your code however you like. This course covers building up a common structure that works for almost all projects.

10 episodes
46 mins
Instantsearch with TNTSearch and Alpine.js

Add instantsearch functionality to any data with the power of TNTSearch, and the simplicity of Alpine.js.

9 episodes
53 mins

Learn Slim

Learn Slim 4

A full walkthrough of everything you need to learn about working with a powerful, lightweight framework.

28 episodes
2 hrs 18 mins
Structuring a Slim 4 Project

The flexibility of Slim means you can structure your code however you like. This course covers building up a common structure that works for almost all projects.

10 episodes
46 mins
Views with Slim 4

Routes quickly get messy without views. Let's set up Slim 4 with the Twig view component.

4 episodes
24 mins
Validation in Slim 4

Bake Laravel style validation right into your Slim project and easily validate all your forms with a few lines of code and no controller mess.

7 episodes
30 mins
Custom Slim 404 Pages

With Slim 4, handling custom 404 pages is different. In this course, we'll first cover general error handling, and then we'll render a view for pages that can't be found.

6 episodes
17 mins
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