
Quick and Easy Nested Categories in Laravel

To solve a potentially unlimited amount of nested items like categories, you need more than recursive Eloquent relationships. Let's figure out how to easily build a tree of items with a single query, and use recursive Blade components to output the result.

1 episode
20 mins
Livewire Performance

Building powerful apps with Livewire is a breeze, but as your app grows, you may run into performance issues. This series covers tips and techniques to keep your Livewire apps speedy.

11 episodes
1 hr 22 mins
Getting Started with Nuxt 3

Nuxt is a framework built on Vue that makes development of applications a breeze. In this series, we'll get set up with a fresh project and work through everything you need to know to start building with Nuxt.

18 episodes
1 hr 15 mins
Build a Notes App with Alpine.js

Put Alpine.js state management to the test by building a fully working notes app in the browser.

11 episodes
55 mins
Alpine Store Basics

Forget dispatching events to keep your state together. In Alpine, stores give you a central location for data that make state management a breeze. In this series, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started with Alpine stores!

5 episodes
29 mins
Laravel Sanctum Authentication with the Vue Composition API

Learn how to authenticate with a Laravel API from Vue using the Composition API. We'll set up a fresh Laravel project with Sanctum and Fortify, then implement the ability to authenticate with a beautiful, simple auth module thanks to the flexibility of the Composition API.

11 episodes
53 mins
Vue Script Setup for Single File Components

The Vue script setup syntax lets you clean up your Vue script area when you're using the Composition API. Variables and imports are automatically shared with your template, there's less boilerplate code, and it's faster in runtime performance! In this series, we'll cover everything you need to know about working with the script setup syntactic sugar.

10 episodes
40 mins
Learn Alpine.js

Alpine.js is a refreshingly minimal JavaScript framework that gives you the reactive nature of Vue and React, but with much more simplicity. This course will get you up to speed on how to use it, with plenty of practical examples along the way.

19 episodes
2 hrs 10 mins
Build a Laravel Invite System

Build an invite code system from scratch with Laravel. Newly registered users are locked out until they enter a valid invite code, and activated users can generate and share invite codes.

14 episodes
58 mins
Build a Blog with Laravel and Vue

Build a beautiful blogging platform from scratch with Laravel and Vue. Features an admin panel, a powerful writing experience with tiptap editor, and heavy focus on the Vue composition API. It's packed with loads of useful tips and techniques for your own projects.

31 episodes
3 hrs 8 mins
Laravel Model Popularity

Let's cover scoping models by their popularity (e.g. most popular articles last week). From scratch, we'll build out the ability to 'visit' models within a timeframe and unique restrictions, and then fetch the most popular within any given timeframe. We'll cover everything with a suite of tests using the Pest testing framework.

19 episodes
1 hr 38 mins
Build a Quote Collector App in Laravel and Vue (with Vite)

Integrate a Vite-built Vue app into Laravel, and build a fun little app to learn the basics! We'll cover routing, state management with Vuex, the Composition API and more.

13 episodes
54 mins
Laravel Multi-tenancy Basics

Create multi-database, subdomain separated tenants in a Laravel application with the help of the Tenancy for Laravel package. This series will have you up and running, and ready to start building.

12 episodes
53 mins
Searching with Laravel Scout and Meilisearch

Meilisearch is an open-source blazingly fast, hyper relevant search engine. In this course, we’ll combine Laravel Scout and Meilisearch to quickly build a search experience for any database data. It’s everything you need to know to get started with indexing, searching and filtering results.

10 episodes
47 mins
Meilisearch Instant Search with Alpine.js

Combining the power of Meilisearch and the simplicity of Alpine.js to build an instant, as-you-type, result-highlighted dropdown search. We’ll cover making the Alpine.js component highly re-usable, so you can use it in multiple places, or with an entirely different index and options.

12 episodes
42 mins
Build a Comment System with Livewire

Build a comment system with Livewire that instantly works for any model. Drop in the Livewire component to support comments, replies, editing, deleting and markdown.

21 episodes
1 hr 23 mins