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Laravel Password History Validation

Prevent users from reusing recently used passwords. We'll track and store when a user changes their password, then create a custom validation rule to use anywhere. We'll create a command to frequently clear up the database, too.

6 episodes
32 mins
All About Exceptions

Let's cover everything you need to know about exceptions in PHP.

7 episodes
1 hr 51 mins
Laravel Database History Tracking

Need to keep a record of updates to your models? Great! Let's build a convenient, reusable trait that can be immediately used to track changes to the data in our database.

9 episodes
41 mins
Using Whoops with Slim 4

Whoops gives you a much nicer way to display errors while you're building. In this snippet, we'll get Whoops installed with Slim 4.

1 episode
8 mins
Customising The Slim 4 Request Object

Every Slim route sends a Request object to your controller. In this course, we're going to learn how to change the default route invocation strategy and decorate the request object, perhaps to add helpful methods that keep our controllers clean.

6 episodes
22 mins
Every PHP Magic Method

A practical dive into every PHP magic method. You might never use them all, but they're well worth knowing, just in case.

17 episodes
1 hr 55 mins
Custom Slim 404 Pages

With Slim 4, handling custom 404 pages is different. In this course, we'll first cover general error handling, and then we'll render a view for pages that can't be found.

6 episodes
17 mins
Laravel Automatic Password Hashing

Using mutators to set properties in your models can really clean up your code. In this snippet, we'll look at an example of automatic password hashing and see how much tidier our controllers end up.

1 episode
6 mins
Slim 4 Authentication

Everything you'd need from an authentication system, built completely from scratch with Slim 4. Covers templating, signing up, signing in (with remember me functionality), seamless validation, custom validation rules, beautiful CSRF protection, and more.

40 episodes
4 hrs 19 mins
Using Tailwind in Vue

A super quick guide to getting Tailwind installed, configured and working in a fresh Vue CLI project.

1 episode
3 mins
Authentication with Flutter

Need to authenticate users in your Flutter app? Here's a great place to start. We'll set up JWT authentication, build out a simple, clean authentication service, and securely store the token on the user's device to keep them signed in.

14 episodes
1 hr 14 mins
Validation in Slim 4

Bake Laravel style validation right into your Slim project and easily validate all your forms with a few lines of code and no controller mess.

7 episodes
30 mins
Super Clean CSRF Protection with Slim 4

Using the official Slim CSRF package and a little tweaking, we're going to create an effortless way to help protect your site from CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.

4 episodes
15 mins
Laravel Custom Validation Strategies

There are a ton of ways to create custom validation rules in Laravel, but which one do you pick? And what happens if you need to push custom rules further? Well, this course will show you how.

6 episodes
32 mins
Vue Multiple File Drag & Drop Uploader

Build a solid multiple file uploader with Vue. It features endpoint configuration per file type, queuing based on maximum concurrency, cancellable downloads and more.

19 episodes
1 hr 47 mins
Laravel View Presenters

Too much logic in your views? Cluttered models? Bring in view presenters and tidy things up! We'll incrementally refactor from the simplest solution to a clean, reusable system.

6 episodes
22 mins