Hi, Alex,
I need help for episode #21, there's an exception "undefined variable $href"
I have put below code in "employee-show.blade.php"
<div class="space-y-10">
<h2 class="text-xl font-medium">Choose a service from {{ $employee->name }}</h2>
<div class="grid grid-c...
Posted by riocahya
2 days ago.
Hello Alex,
When viewing your videos on my smartphone I can barely read the code because the font size is too small. Do you have a solution for this?
Posted by yapsr
2 days ago.
Hi Alex hope you are well,
Could you please consider to idea to create a course for laravel with intertia for recurrent calendar events with also email notifications?
Would like to take a chance to say happy christmas as well
Posted by vincenzo
3 days ago.
When i am broadcasting a TestEvent - i am getting the response on console - But when i am broadcasting notification - i am not getting it.
This is where i am broadcasting the notification
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Like;
use App\Models\Post;
use App\Models\User;
Posted by talhatonmoy
1 week ago.
Am following the laravel subscriptions course but trying to implement it with inertia, showing the plan detials is not working out with me.
I don't understand why it keeps returning an empty object, however when I dd on it, it returns all the information, been stuck on this for 2 days.
Here is my...
Posted by ms_dan
1 month ago. Last reply
1 week ago.
Hi Alex,
I've recreated a calendar booking system based on your course but created a separate livewire calendar component for day selection, which does the same thing as EasPick.
There are two things I wish to do now:
1) Stripe - I was looking to do this with Livewire and using the Cashier Guest...
Posted by derekbuntin
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
PHP DOM Course needed
Posted by abaydullah
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
Hi @alex,
I've watched the course on creating a Trello clone which I'm building for our custom platform.
I've created a custom package and created all the files and it's working perfectly, except for livewire sortable.
I've updated the NPM package as it's been renamed and I've also tried implemen...
Posted by derekbuntin
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
Hi everyOne !!
I want use laravel jetstream with inertia this the backend and use it for change themes and text for the pages this only for the admins can access
and also use nuxt in front end with api this is the frontend
so use Sanctum for api and Fortify for login and register for api - NUXT...
Posted by AhmadUUID
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
I have a new installation of Laravel and everything worked out fine until I tried to change the driver from sqlite (standard driver from start) to Mysql.
I changed the prefs to:
'mysql' => [
'driver' => 'mysql',
'url' => env('DB_URL'),
'host' => env(...
Posted by jonasgrolin
2 months ago. Last reply
1 month ago.