Hi Alex,
I have another small issue that seems to be taking too long to solve, so thought I'd ask if you have any ideas.
On the Trello clone, I've created a top-level category called 'Workspace'. This will hold the boards, so I can essentially have a workspace for each client and have all their bo...
Posted by derekbuntin
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
It is easy to preserve scroll forms in Inertia, however within Modals, I found it a bit tricky, is there a trick to do it?
<script setup>
import Modal from '@/Components/Modal.vue'
import { useForm, Head } from '@inertiajs/vue3'
const form = useForm({
name: '',
email: '',
In the new Laravel version, there's no more Authenticate Middleware to change the route from login to auth.login, any fix to that? Would rather keep the name auth.login :).
For some reason, I keep getting this issue with inertia modals, Could not find a declaration file for module 'momentum-modal'. Any clue?
For the past few years, I've managed to override the boot method in the Fortify service provider located at App\Providers\FortifyServiceProvider so that I can define the Fortify Views from my custom service provider that's loaded dynamically from a package.
This all worked perfectly until Laravel 1...
Posted by derekbuntin
5 months ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
I am struggling with the implementation of data binding using Livewire 3 with Alpine and the TipTap Editor. Tried to implement something similar to this Livewire 2 solution: https://github.com/mattlake/tiptap-livewire-demo
- Editor is initialized / shown
- My initial content is in the editor
Posted by philipp71206
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
Hello Alex, you upload your videos to vimeo and cannot access these videos from the browser directly. For example we cannot access https://player.vimeo.com/video/1010746273?title=0&byline=0&autoplay=1&dnt=1&app_id=122963 directly.
But when we are a member of your system, we can view the videos. Can...
I have a Livewire 3 project where I use simple lightbox js plugin <script src="fslightbox.js"> </script> added before end of the <body> tag. I also have simple filtering on this page and everything works fine when the page is first loaded and after first component update, but stops working a...
Posted by rafal428
2 months ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
Hello Alex, I've been following the Laravel Subscriptions course and it has helped me a lot getting around stripe's dashboard!
I was wondering how you would approach lifetime subscriptions or similar. It seems like you can make one of charges as prices in stripe but how does this look like with the...
Posted by alejandro627
1 month ago. Last reply
1 month ago.
I have this error when just install pinia to nuxt 3
ERROR [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find package '@vue/composition-api' imported from C:\Users\Aal-Naib\node_modules\vue-demi\lib\index.mjs
at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (node:internal/errors:490:5)
at ne...