Hi @alex,
I'm in the process of building an application that's made up of packages/extensions with a core CMS.
I'm developing add-ons for the CMS to extend it including packages for a forum, e-commerce, downloads, a booking system and so on.
To allow users to add the available addons I'd like to charge for the privilege, my plan at the moment is to do something like you have done for the marketplace application. We do sell other services and products and would like to create a single payment system to take payments for these add-ons and other products and services.
This could be extended to include a membership system too so that you can either buy product a with service b or you can buy a membership and have access to all products and services.
Therefore I'll be looking to create a payment system that can hook into any other package that we create and I'm thinking this could be made up of a payment package that uses traits for different payment vendors such as Stripe etc.
Would you be keen to do a course on such a system?
Hey Derek
Sounds great! Just so I'm 100% clear, a system where you can either purchase (download) with a membership, or single payment checkout?
Also, when you say different payment vendors like Stripe... could you explain this a little more?
Hi @alex,
Say I have digital products and they can be sold individually or as part of a membership, We could have two buttons on the product page for 'add to cart' and 'Subscribe' (or membership you get the point). For improved conversions, you'd want them to sign up for the membership to have access to all products on an annual basis so the pricing point would nudge them along.
Much like you selling access to a single course or offering an annual membership to all courses.
Yes, so the different payment vendors would be Stripe, PayPal, square payments, eway etc but these can be easily added to via a plugin sort of way maybe through a simple package or a trait with the ability to add config.
I have developed a CMS that when I upload a custom package integrates the config and admin views into the admin panel for that package so having payment plugins do the same thing would be cool.
I should probably be creating videos myself, lol.
Makes perfect sense. I have a bunch of courses planned for payment integrations, so will look into the dual/subscription functionality and then perhaps separately the plugin style functionality for different payment providers :)