Practical screencasts for developers

Screencasts that focus on building real apps. If you're looking to learn Laravel, Livewire, Vue, Inertia and more, we've got you covered.

Build Your Own PHP Framework

Starting completely from scratch, build a modern PHP framework with all the features you’d expect. Whether you’re new to PHP or not, this is a great exercise for learning what happens under the hood, arming you with knowledge you can apply anywhere you use PHP. We’ll cover routing, controllers, views, the container, accessing the database, models, authentication, config, CSRF protection, exception handling, pagination, validation, flashing messages and much more. Let’s dive in and build a PHP framework, step-by-step!

15 episodes
1 hr 29 mins
Build a Trello Clone With Livewire

Get ready to master drag and drop sorting in Livewire, by building a Trello clone. We’ll start out by building the interface completely from scratch, then add the ability to sort columns and cards, including moving cards around columns. As we sort everything, we’ll keep the database perfectly updated with the new order. Our Trello clone will also allow us to edit column titles inline, edit cards and add notes, archive cards and columns, and put them back on the board.

31 episodes
2 hrs 27 mins
Authentication with Laravel Sanctum and Vue

Learn how to authenticate with a Laravel API from Vue using the Composition API. We'll start by setting up a fresh Laravel project with Sanctum and Fortify, configure everything step-by-step, and then implement the ability to authenticate from Vue with a simple auth module — thanks to the flexibility of the Composition API. In the second half of the course, we’ll create our own beautiful starter kit with more features, including registration and middleware to protect routes.

21 episodes
1 hr 35 mins
Build a Livewire Comment System

Build a drop-in comment system with Livewire that instantly works for any model. We’ll cover top-level comments and replies by re-using Livewire components, editing and deleting comments, working with Alpine.js to minimise network requests, building an Alpine.js directive to display when a comment was posted, handling deleted users and loading more comments gradually. Once you’re done, you can drop a single Livewire comments component wherever you need it — and comments will instantly be enabled.

18 episodes
1 hr 40 mins
Create an AI chat bot with Livewire and ChatGPT

Let’s learn how wire:stream can help us stream ChatGPT responses as they arrive, by building a chat interface with Livewire. Each message we send and receive will be shown in chat history. It even remembers the conversation context. Sure, there are a ton of ChatGPT wrappers out there, but by the end of this course, you’ll have wire:stream in your toolkit for future projects.

6 episodes
29 mins
Build an Appointment Booking System With Livewire

Building an availability calendar and booking system is a notoriously difficult problem to solve. That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this course. Step by step, we’ll build an appointment slot generator that calculates availability based on employee schedules, employee’s booked time off, the length of service chosen, existing appointments, and cancelled appointments. For maximum flexibility, we’ll also allow multi-employee availability checks, so we’ll be able to see every employee who can perform a service (and their available slots). To finish up, we’ll create an entire booking flow with Livewire, including a beautiful booking calendar that shows detailed availability across multiple dates, the ability to choose a time slot — and finally the ability to book an appointment. Phew. We’ve got a lot to learn — let’s build a booking system with Livewire!

36 episodes
3 hrs 4 mins
Liking Things in Laravel with Redis

Let’s skip the database and build the ability to like any model in Laravel, using Redis. Traditionally you’d reach for the database for this kind of thing, but as you load more models and start performing checks within relationships — things begin to slow down. With a key-value store like Redis, tracking users who have liked comments (or anything) keeps everything ridiculously fast.

6 episodes
21 mins
Drag and Drop Sorting With Livewire

Easily add drag and drop sorting functionality to your Livewire components with an Alpine directive, powered by Sortable.js. We’ll start with a list of ordered items, activate drag and drop sorting, and then feed the new order back to Livewire to instantly update the database. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to reuse this functionality in any of your Livewire components.

6 episodes
22 mins
Build an Appointment Booking System With Inertia

Building an availability calendar and booking system is a notoriously difficult problem to solve. That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this course. Step by step, we’ll build an appointment slot generator that calculates availability based on employee schedules, employee’s booked time off, the length of service chosen, existing appointments, and cancelled appointments. For maximum flexibility, we’ll also allow multi-employee availability checks, so we’ll be able to see every employee who can perform a service (and their available slots). To finish up, we’ll create an entire booking flow with Inertia (using Vue), including a beautiful booking calendar that shows detailed availability across multiple dates, the ability to choose a time slot — and finally the ability to book an appointment. Phew. We’ve got a lot to learn — let’s build a booking system with Inertia!

39 episodes
5 hrs 0 mins

Choose your topic.

Here's the latest from every topic we cover.

Authentication with Laravel Sanctum and Vue

21 episodes
1 hr 35 mins

Liking Things in Laravel with Redis

6 episodes
21 mins

Logging Unique Views in Laravel with Redis

4 episodes
22 mins

Build an Appointment Booking System With Laravel

37 episodes
4 hrs 49 mins

reCAPTCHA with Laravel

8 episodes
49 mins

Build a Referral System with Laravel

24 episodes
2 hrs 39 mins

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Codecourse is a fantastic platform. Alex has a friendly delivery style. He includes just enough detail to keep the courses comprehensive but not too slow. Thank you, Alex, for making me a better developer!

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Hey, I'm Alex

I'm a full-stack developer and founder of Codecourse, nice to meet you!

If you're like me, you learn best by building real stuff, and that's exactly what we do here. I don't create unforgettable boring screencasts, we'll sit down together and learn from practical examples you can use right away.

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