How to Use updateOrCreate in Laravel

January 30th, 2025 • 2 minutes read time

If you have a potentially existing record and need to update it if it exists or create it if it doesn't. Here's how!

Let's take logging a user visit as an example. We want to uniquely log a user's last visit using their IP address. Here's what our table structure might look like:

Schema::create('visits', function (Blueprint $table) {

In plain English, we want to insert an initial record if the IP address hasn't already had a logged visit, but we want to update the same record if a user with the same IP address visits again.

Basically, we want to update or create.

Here's how:

    ['ip_address' => request()->ip()],
    ['last_visit' => now()]

Notice we're passing two arguments here to updateOrCreate.

  • The first is the unique thing we want to search for, in case it already exists
  • The second is the data we want to insert initially/update with, regardless of whether the record is found

So, the first time updateOCreate runs, it'll look for a record in the visits table with the IP address (e.g. It'll insert (, now()) if not found.

The second time it runs, it'll find a record with the IP address But, instead of inserting a new record, it'll update the existing record with the latest value of now().

You can pass as many lookup values as you need to updateOrCreate. Here's an example from the Laravel documentation:

    ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
    ['price' => 99, 'discounted' => 1]

updateOrCreate helps avoid manually looking up a record, checking if it exists, and then choosing between inserting or updating.

Everything is handled behind the scenes for us in the most efficient way possible.

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Alex Garrett-Smith
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