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Computed properties in Alpine.js

May 19th, 2020

If you're using Alpine.js and also use a framework like Vue.js, you're probably missing computed properties right now.

Up until recently, I'd been achieving things I wanted computed using functions, and while it worked, it didn't feel right.

<div x-data="setup()">
    <span x-text="shoutyGreeting()"></span>

    function setup () {
        return {
            greeting: 'Hello there',

            shoutyGreeting () {
                return `${this.greeting.toUpperCase()}!`

Turns out there's a really simple solution to this... use a JavaScript getter. A getter in a JavaScript class or object binds a property to a function which allows it to be magically invoked when that property is accessed.

So, we end up with this.

<div x-data="setup()">
    <span x-text="shoutyGreeting"></span>

    function setup () {
        return {
            greeting: 'Hello there',

            get shoutyGreeting () {
                return `${this.greeting.toUpperCase()}!`

So, although Alpine.js doesn't actually support the concept of computed properties, this feels much nicer.

I picked this tip up from An Alternative Approach to Computed Properties in Alpine.js on Ryan Chandler's blog. Thanks Ryan!

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Alex Garrett-Smith
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