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08. Building a tiny translation helper in JavaScript


Now that we have access to our translations, what we can do is build a tiny JavaScript helper to allow us to access these and also add in the attributes in here. So replace the attributes that we found. So we're going to head over to our JavaScript section. So let's close everything off
here under resources.js. I'm just going to create this in the root directory and call it lang.js, but of course feel free to put this in a helper's directory wherever you need. So this file is just going to export a function that looks similar to Laravel double underscores here and will allow us to pass in, if we just define this out, a key that we can read. So we'll just work with a key for now
and then we will look at the replacements that we want to pass in. So for now I'm just going to return in here works and this function needs to be a globally available to all of our components at any time. So how do we do that? Well we're going to come over to resources.js and app.js and we're going to add this in as a global within here. To do this we want to just tweak this. So
I'm going to go ahead and assign create app to a variable, then at the end we're going to mount this, but that means that in between here what we can do is modify the app. So this is the view app instance. This is nothing necessarily to do with inertia. So what we can do with this is we can actually add in a global properties or add to our global properties inside of here. So we're going
to create an underscore underscore global property and we're going to assign that to the function that we've just created in here. So we haven't imported this, so let's import this up here. So import double underscore from lang and if we come down we can just assign that to that double underscore function. Of course you could call that function something different if you wanted to, but
we just want to know it works for now. So over in our dashboard component let's try and do this. Let's try and invoke this and see what we get. So we want to end up with something like dashboard dot greeting and let's head over and sure enough we get back what we need. So this function is now globally available in all of our components so we can use this absolutely anywhere.
All that we need to do now is just fill in this to grab the right key back basically. So the first thing we need to do is access our global properties. So to do this we're going to go ahead and import use page from inertia like so and then down here what we can do is create out the translation that we want to get back from that key. So we're going to invoke use page, we're going to go into props,
we're going to go into translations. So this is basically like what we would do within our template but of course we're not in a template so we need to use the use page composable and then we want to access the key. Now the key might not be available so if the key isn't available we're going to just return the key so that will just dump the key on the page. We don't want to cause
an error here if the translation key isn't available so it's important that we do that and then we're just going to return the translation in here. So that's the most simple way that we could do things if we're not dealing with attributes. Let's go over and take a look and there we go. So now what I can actually do is switch between English and German and already
the reactivity of this based on the props that we get passed down when we change our language is showing us the new value because the props have changed and this is now reading from a different object so that is working really nicely. Let's just test out what happens if we define something that doesn't exist so greetings dot greeting for example and you can see it just dumps out
the actual key so that's helpful and then as a developer we can see well that obviously doesn't exist so I need to go ahead and add it. So that is working nicely and we're getting the actual translation through that we want to see. Now we need to figure out how to add in the replacement so as a second argument to this we're going to go ahead and accept in the replacements which is
just going to be an object of things that we want to replace and down here what we can do is grab the keys for them iterate over them and then replace these out with javascript. So to do this let's go ahead and just console log out on object keys on our replacements let's see what this gives us by opening up our console and you can see we get an array in here at the moment of nothing so
we know that for this particular translation we want to pass in the user's name so let's pass in the name as page props auth user name that will give me the currently authenticated user's name and sure enough you can see now we've got name that is what we need to replace out with the value contained within that key so over in here what we can now do is grab this iterate over it
and for each replacement we can go ahead and make a replacement on this translation that we've plucked out so we're going to overwrite the translation with a replaced version of this so we can use javascript's replace method to do this and this looks like this colon so that's what we want to replace and we want to replace the replacement which remember this equals something
like name so we want to basically take we just open up our auth file here or our dashboard file we want to replace this with a colon and if we just go down here with the replacements that we've passed in and the key at that thing so basically as we go through each of these like name or whatever other replacements you have in there replace that colon value with the actual
replacement that we have passed in to here and the actual value of that replacement so if we head over here there we go we've got welcome alex and of course if we change this to english we've got the english version here as well now this solution isn't perfect there are probably edge cases where we're going to have things that just don't quite work or more advanced usage more that won't might
not work but of course you can pull in a library to do this if you need to or just add to what we've already built but for the majority 80% of cases this is going to be enough it's very lightweight it's very clean and we haven't had to pull in any kind of library to deal with this so there we go we now have our translations showing of course with our attribute replacements
9 episodes 57 mins


Localisation is a breeze in Laravel applications, but what happens when you need to bring this to the client-side? Turns out in Inertia, it's pretty simple.

In this course, we'll build a language switcher, share translations with the client, and build a simple translation helper for Vue to use directly in templates. We'll also cover caching translations to keep things running smoothly.

The best part? With the magic of reactivity, we'll be able to switch languages without any page refresh, and see everything instantly translated.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!


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