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07. Bi-directional websocket communication


If we were sending a request down to our server with an AJAX request, whenever when one of these boxes was checked, this would be incredibly easy to pick up when a specific checkbox was checked.
At the moment, though, we're doing all of the communication client to client. None of this is going through our back end, but it is, of course, going through the reverb server. So what we need to do is look at how to use bidirectional communication
with our WebSocket server, so we can pick up these client events on the back end and then do something with them. Now, you might be thinking, well, why don't we just, in that case, if we're doing some sort of check on the back end,
go ahead and just send an AJAX request down. The point is, we don't want to do that. We want the client to client communication to be as fast as possible. But in the background, and even within a Q job,
we want this to be picked up and then set inside of Redis. Because we're going to use Redis, each of these detections is going to store this data incredibly quickly. Now, the first thing we want to focus on is how we actually pick up client events on the back end.
Let's go over and do this now. So what we want to do is listen to the message received event directly from the reverb package. So whenever we get a client event and that goes through reverb, in fact, any event that goes through reverb,
this message received event will be fired off. So we can actually hook into this and listen to it. And we'll do some logging to make sure that we are capturing the right data. OK, so let's go and create out a listener in our application.
So let's create out a listener called HandleStateUpdate, of course, whatever you want to call it. And let's go over to HandleStateUpdate. And in the handle method just here, let's just log out some data.
So let's log out info and let's just say handled. And we'll make sure our Laravel log is completely clear. OK, so we want to hook up this listener to that message received event. We can always type in this in here,
or we can go over to our app service provider and manually bind this in. So let's say event from illuminate support facades, listen. And we want to listen to that message received event from reverb. And we want to handle that with our HandleStateUpdate listener.
OK, let's go ahead and restart our WebSocket server. So let's close this off and rerun it. And we should start to see this data roll in. So you can see for every one of these events now, even client side events,
when we connect to our server, this is going to be pushed into here. So every time we do anything, like check a box inside, it's going to go ahead and fire this event off. Now, we don't want to listen to any event inside of HandleStateUpdate.
We want to specifically listen for when a checkbox is checked. So we want to listen for that client state event that we get when we check a checkbox. So let's start to pull the data out of here,
and then do a comparison and check that we are watching for the right event. So first of all, the data that we get from the event message, and we can see all this in our console just over here, the messages that come through, we want to go ahead and JSON decode this.
So it will be sent and received as JSON. Then we want to grab the data from that payload that we've just used JSON decode on. Let's say payload and data.
Let's just go ahead and log out here the payload event, just so we can see these events rolling, because this is what we're going to need in that comparison. And this is going to be all the data when we know we want to react to this.
So back over to Laravelog, let's just clear this all out. We'll need to restart our reverb server once again. And if we head back over to the browser and just click these a couple of times and go back over, you can see we get push a subscribe client state.
Now, this is when a checkbox was checked. So we want to compare this to client state. So we know we are handling the right event. We don't want to handle anything else here.
We only want to know when a checkbox has changed. So let's compare the event to client state. And we'll actually say if it doesn't equal this, we'll just return. Otherwise, down here, we want to update Redis, which we're going to look at soon.
So let's go and just log out here. Update Redis so we know that that is coming through properly. Once again, let's go over to our Laravelog and clear that all out. Restart our reverb server.
And let's go over to the browser. And I'm going to check this four times. And if we head over to our log, there we go. We get four logs.
So this will contain all of the data about that state update. If we head back over to this, we could also log out the data. And let's go ahead and JSON encode this, because otherwise, we're going to be dumping out a class.
And let's go back over and rerun our reverb server, clear out our log. And let's try this out again. So I'm just going to click one of these. Remember, this is checkbox one.
If we head over there, we get ID of one, checked, true, great. So now we can take this data, and we can store it in Redis. And then obviously, when a user refreshes the entire page here, we can take that Redis data and pre-populate all of the checkboxes
that have already been checked. But that, in a nutshell, is bidirectional communication. What we're doing is we're hooking into the reverb server to pick up any client-only events to react on them events.
16 episodes1 hr 17 mins


How do you render one million checkboxes in a browser and keep them synced in realtime?

Well, using a combination of virtual scroll rendering, Redis bitmaps and bi-directional WebSocket communication.

Let’s cover each of these concepts to build up this fun project — you’ll be surprised at how useful these techniques are for your own applications.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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