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06. Creating the product wizard


OK, so to kick off our practical example, let's just roll through everything we've already covered and create out our wizard, each of our steps, and then we'll
get our first form built out. OK, so let's go over and, of course, use Livewire to make out a component here. And we are going to put this under a product directory,
a create directory, and then we're going to create a create product component. So of course, you can go away from this. You don't need to create this structure.
But this is just how I found helps keep things really organized. So let's create that create product component. And we're going to go ahead and put that directly
on the dashboard over here. So Livewire, and this is now in products, create, and then create product. OK, great.
So that's on the page. Let's go over to the create product component. And we already know the first thing we need to do is extend that wizard component.
And we're done. So we don't need our render method, but we do need our steps method in here. So let's go ahead and create out our steps method
that returns an array. And we'll just return an empty array from here just now. OK, so we know that we're going to get this error because we don't have any steps.
Let's create out each of the steps up front so we know what we're doing. So phpr to Livewire make, and let's create out each of these steps, which I'll have in history.
The first one is going to be a meta step. So this is going to be the title and the description. The second one is going to be the image step, which, of course, is going to be to upload that image file
and store it. And then, of course, we're going to have another publish step, which will show the image, and it will show the title and description,
and it will allow us to save it. So a little bit more complex here. And let's go ahead and add our steps. So we'll add in our meta step directly in here.
We'll add in our image step just in here. And lastly, we'll add in our publish step, making sure we pull in the right one from products. Great.
So we know that each of these now need to extend that step component. So let's do that again for each of these. Step, component, and publish step.
Lastly, our step component. Great. So we shouldn't see an error now. We've got all of our steps defined.
Now, we're going to do things slightly differently here. So if we head over to our dashboard, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the background here. And this is going to be within each of our steps,
just so we can style this out a little bit better. We're eventually going to have our navigation in here as well, which will need to sit above this container. So it helps to keep this directly within that component.
So let's get rid of that here. Let's pull these two in. And let's go over to our first step, which is our meta step, and just paste this in here and finish off
these two ending tags. Great. So this is our meta step. And we'll create out a really basic form for the title
and the description now. OK, so let's go over to our original things that we created. So let's go over to our title step
and just pretty much grab all of this so we can use this. And I'm going to go ahead and get rid of this div here and here. And we'll just keep this form directly within here.
So let's just go ahead and re-indent all of that. And we should be good. OK, so we've got our title in here. We're going to add another component in here, which
is going to be our description. So let's change all of these over to description. And what I'm going to do is just create out another component in here, which looks a little bit more like a description.
So if we come over to our base components here, we've got this text input. I'm going to go ahead and create another component called text area.
This is another blade component, which is just going to be a carbon copy of this, except we're going to have a text area component and just finish that off, just so we've
got something that's more like a description to work with. So now that we've done that, we should have our first step done. Great.
So the next step is going to work in pretty much the same way, where we're going to submit this and go over to the next step. But we're going to have a couple more things
that we need to think about, particularly because within this practical example, we're going to be able to navigate back. We saw in the original very simple introduction
when we did navigate back from that description, we actually saw an error there. So we're going to need to handle that. OK, I think we're done here.
We're going to tidy up this bottom navigation as well as add a top navigation. But that's another run through of our wizard and each of our steps.
15 episodes1 hr 38 mins


Everything you need to build multi step forms in Livewire.

We'll cover the basics of creating a multi step form, adding steps, navigating steps and accessing state using the laravel-livewire-wizard package.

Finally, we'll build a fully working practical example with more advanced step navigation, file uploads, and custom state.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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