01. Introduction


In this series, I'm going to walk you through pretty much everything you need to know to get started with NUXT 3.
If you've not worked with NUXT before, NUXT is a framework built on top of Vue that gives you a whole host of features, basically allowing you to focus on building your apps without worrying about the finer details. Now you can read about all of the benefits of NUXT over on the official site
and NUXT also supports a huge amount of first-party packages making things like authentication and progressive web apps and more much, much easier. By the end of the series, you'll be able to confidently work with NUXT to start building your next Vue project. Let's get started in the next episode with installing and having a look around NUXT.
18 episodes1 hr 15 mins


Nuxt is a framework built on Vue that makes development of applications a breeze. In this series, we'll get set up with a fresh project and work through everything you need to know to start building with Nuxt.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!


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