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04. Validating with enums in Laravel


Now to my favorite part, which is validating enums. Now, obviously, we've already seen an example of the statuses where we can just enter anything into our database column, which
doesn't make any sense. So we've got this enum, but we don't have the benefit of validating it against the values listed within our enum.
Now, let's go ahead and just add some really simple validation here. So let's go ahead and validate this just directly within the controller when we store this.
And let's, of course, say that the status is required. And then we'll take a look at how we can check that the value that we're getting through from the form exists within that enum.
Now, Laravel has a specific validation rule to check that a value exists within an enum. But before we do that, just as a little exercise, we're going to see how we would do this previously,
so before Laravel implemented this functionality. Now, one of the rules that Laravel has and has had for a while is the in validation rule, which allows you to give a list of comma-separated values
to check whether the value you're getting in exists within here. So almost like doing an in array. Is this thing in this array?
So what we could actually do prior to this is if we wanted to hard code this in, we could add placed, shipped, and canceled inside of here. So placed, shipped.
And let's just leave off canceled so we can see the validation rule working. So if we head over to create, let's just add a little error message down here for the status
and just end that error. And we'll just put a div in here with the message. We won't bother styling it up. There we go.
OK, let's head over. Let's go ahead and click Place. That works nicely. If we choose canceled, though, we get
the selected status is invalid. So validation is working nicely, but we don't, of course, want to have to manually put these in here. That's the whole point of using an enum.
We want this to be in one place. So if we wanted to, we could go ahead and concatenate on an imploded list of statuses from our order status enum. Now, just to play around with this, how would we do this?
Well, for the order status, if we just pull that in, we know that we have got a list of cases. That gives us an array, and each of these things are enums themselves.
So let's just go and get rid of that, and let's have a look. So when I click on this, you can see that for each item in this array, this is an enum itself, of course, with the name and the value that we've created.
So what we can actually do from here, because each of these are enums, we can use Array Column here. And what that's going to do is allow us to grab the specific value out of each of these
without having to map through them. So this is the value that we want to check. So if we just give this a refresh, we've now got an array with just them values in.
That's perfect, because what we can then do is go ahead and implode this by a comma, because that's how Laravel's validation rule works here. And we should now have a comma-separated list of values.
So what we can do is just grab this and go ahead and, of course, concatenate it onto this rule, and that should work. It's not ideal, and it's not what
we're going to end up doing, but that should work nicely. So now for each of these, we can create them. But as soon as we deviate from the allowed values, if we just choose Placed as ABC, it doesn't let us do it.
So of course, we've looked at how we would previously do it, but with Laravel, we have a specific enum validation rule, which makes this incredibly easy. So let's go ahead and pull in this enum rule, new it up,
and then we're going to pass in the fully qualified class namespace to our order status enum. That is all we have to do. Laravel is now going to do all of the hard work
behind the scenes for us. So if we come over and have a look, you can see that works. And let's go over here and just change this over again. Hit Create, and there we go.
So that works in exactly the same way as we've just done, but of course, it's a lot cleaner. If you prefer, you can also pull this from the rule class. So you can say rule under validation and enum.
It really just depends on how you want to do this. And as you can see, it works in exactly the same way. If we try and modify this over, it's not going to work. So it's entirely up to you.
I prefer just newing this up, but it's up to you. So there we go. There is our validation, basically just making sure this value exists within order status.
And we now know that if we wanted to add another thing, there's no more work to do. We're listing through these values, we're validating them, and that's one of the greatest benefits of using enum here.
9 episodes 31 mins


Enums make working with multiple potential column values a breeze (think order statuses). Let's use an Enum in Laravel and cover storing, validating and accessing Enums.

By the end of the course, you'll be able to implement Enums in Laravel with ease, and make sure your multiple choice column data is strict and easy to globally update across your entire application.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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