01. Introduction


In this course, I'm going to show you how to deploy an application like this to Laravel Forge. This is running locally at the moment and all it's doing is just broadcasting a message through to our backend and then of course delivering that to all clients. Now I've purposely kept this course in very small chunks so you can go ahead and bookmark it
and refer back to any steps in the future. But we're going to cover every step that you need to take to get this kind of application or any real-time application up and running on Forge. Forge makes it really easy to do this with its predefined setup,
but there are a couple of things that we need to configure. So let's go over to the next couple of episodes and get this pulled down and working locally if you want to follow along and then we'll go ahead and create a server, get it configured so we can have real-time production.
7 episodes 16 mins


So you’ve built a realtime application. Now it’s time to deploy it.

Laravel Forge makes it incredibly easy to toggle Reverb, which configures your server for you and sets up (nearly) everything you need to broadcast and listen for events.

In this course, we’ll cover every step needed to get an local example application deployed to a production server, with a separate subdomain reserved for your Reverb connections.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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