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07. Disabling wildcard subdomains for app routes


One problem we've got at the moment because we're dealing with wildcard subdomains which we need in order to have any domain or any subdomain valid and then looked up against a user is that we can access any of our standard pages under this. So for example this subdomain should only have the routes home and about. Now because we've got other routes like dashboard which are part of
the main user's account we can still go over to slash dashboard. Now ask us to sign in because we're within a different subdomain now so the session isn't valid here but we shouldn't be able to access things like dashboard and login and all them other routes in here at the same time. It just does not make sense. So let's go back over to alex.laravelusersubdomains.test
and let's figure out how we can disable any of these or any of these routes being included within here. Well to do this what we could do is go over and apply a new root domain inside of our routes file. Now this root domain is just going to be from config and it's going to be the app url and then we're going to group this like we did up here but this time we're going to put all of the
other routes of our application inside of here. Now we'll get to the auth routes in a second that's a little bit different but if we just pull all of these into here what this is now going to do is it's only going to apply these routes to the main url. So now if we go over to here and we go over to slash dashboard it doesn't exist because it's registered under the group just for that url not
for the wildcard subdomain. So if we now go over to the main app you see it works. Now for things like login that's a little bit different because this is included if we look down here in an auth.php file that exists within our routes under here and you can see that within here we just have all of these root registrations. Let's just see what happens when we require this within this group.
Let's go over and sure enough it's not found so we can do that very easily and if we head back over to our main app and go over to login you can see that works as well though we were already signed in so it redirected us. Now if you're pulling in third-party packages that register routes this is going to be slightly different so hopefully the packages that you pull in will have a way to
configure the route specifically so you can get around this. So just something to think about as you're putting that in. Okay so we can come back over to alex.laravel.usersubdomains.test and see our page but we have now disabled all of the other routes from being accessed under this users subdomain.
9 episodes 31 mins


Allow users to choose their own subdomain, and give them their own area of your application where only their details are shown. You'll be able to register multiple routes for user areas.

Everything in this short course can be easily applied to your own applications where you need this functionality. We'll cover every step of the way, and some things to watch out for.

Finally, we'll learn how to deploy this and configure nginx and DNS records so you're ready to go.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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