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42. Eager loading


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So up until now, we haven't done any eager loading. And I'm guessing the only place we're
going to need to eager load our relationships in is going to be on the home page. So we're going to go ahead and pull in Laravel debug bar, have a look around, and see what we find.
Now, eager loading basically will, at the database level, pull in any relationship data you have. So when you're iterating over or accessing relationships within some sort of list, you're not
going to see multiple queries. Basically, our goal is to reduce the query count down. So when we add more endpoints, which I've done here, and more checks, we don't see lots and lots
of queries being performed. So I've added a couple more endpoints here. I also have the queue and the scheduler running. So these are consistently performing checks.
And we have quite a few here. And we're going to go ahead and pull this in and see what we find. So let's go ahead and install Laravel debug bar.
Let's pull in the composer command for that. And with Laravel debug bar, that's going to be enabled by default. But if you want to, you can go ahead and choose to add in a debug bar-enabled EMV
value and set this to false to disable it. So if I just give this a refresh, we don't see it. But if we explicitly set this to true and we give the page a refresh, we see it open.
Now, you can see at the moment we've got 13 queries, which immediately jumps out that we have way too many. Let's just add another endpoint here.
So what have we got so far? Subjects pro. Let's add something that doesn't exist, like contact. So let's add this in.
Now, when we give this a refresh, you can see the query count has jumped up. So we know that we have an n plus 1 problem where we're iterating through the list.
And of course, we are seeing way too many queries. So I'm going to get an email through in a minute because this doesn't actually exist. So you can see the contact went down.
It's just a page that doesn't exist on here, or in our case, method not allowed because we can't make a GET request to this route. Let's figure out our query count.
And we're going to do this over on the dashboard controller. So because we've already pulled the site in here, we can't do something like with and then choose the relationships.
We've got to egoload after this has been pulled in. And we just do that with the load method. So let's look at some of the relationships we're accessing here.
We can sometimes get a clue from looking at the query. So you can see that what we're doing is for every single iteration of these endpoints, we're accessing the site in here.
So that's really the first thing that we want to egoload in. So from the site, we want to egoload in the endpoints and the site for the endpoint
because we're going back from the endpoint and accessing the site. We know that because over in the endpoint resource, we are loading the site in here.
So what we can actually do in this case, we can say things like this when loaded. We don't need to do this, and I don't tend to do this. But if you wanted to, you could say this when loaded
and site. What that helps you do is this will not be available if we haven't egoloaded the site in. So I'm not going to do that
because I prefer to just keep these as they are if I always need them. And we're going to always see that. So let's give that a refresh.
You can see the query count has jumped down. However, 13 is way too many. And you can see we're making a few sort of duplicate looking requests here.
So what are these? Well, this is checks here, checks here, and checks here. So we're pretty much doing the same query
over and over again. So where are we doing this? Well, we're getting a list of checks in here for each endpoint.
So we can say endpoints.checks. So we want to egoload in every single check from here. We're down to 10 queries. But if we look at this,
we also have another request to checks. So what's happened? We are egoloading in checks, but remember over on our endpoint,
we also have the latest check as well. So again, if we open up our endpoint resource, we know that we are always pulling in the latest check, which is that relationship,
but the singular version, the latest thing. So we're going to go ahead and say endpoints.check, the singular, the latest. Let's go over, give this a refresh.
We're down to seven queries and there are no duplicates in here. And that is good. So if we come over to one of these routes here
and give this a refresh, we've only got six queries here, which is absolutely fine because remember for each of these checks,
we don't have any relationships on these, or at least we're not accessing any of them. We're just basically outputting the data from the table. So that in terms of egoloading is pretty much it.
We do not want to get to the point where the more endpoints we add in here, the more queries we are performing. And we've solved that with egoloading.
44 episodes4 hrs 59 mins


Ready to dive into Inertia? Let's build a real-world app with Laravel, Inertia and Vue! If you're already working with Inertia, you'll pick up some tips and techniques for future projects.

This uptime monitor allows you to create and switch between sites, then add endpoints to monitor with frequency intervals. Using the power of scheduling and queues, it'll automatically alert the email addresses you've added via the UI when an endpoint goes down.

In this course, you'll learn to:

  • Build a real app from scratch with Inertia
  • Work with Laravel queues
  • Perform actions on models at user-defined intervals
  • Work with sub-minute schedules in Laravel
  • Send out channel notifications with Laravel
  • Use API resources to simplify Inertia data
  • Organise apps with events and observers
  • Create modals in Vue
  • Perform inline editing with Inertia forms
Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!


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