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20. Showing the cart in the navigation


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  • Total: 8h 42m
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01. Introduction and demo
9m 42s
02. Installing Laravel, Breeze and Livewire
4m 47s
03. Creating categories
9m 4s
04. Recursively displaying categories
8m 21s
05. Product model and migration
2m 50s
06. Showing a product
7m 50s
07. Product variation setup
10m 26s
08. Creating the product selector
10m 34s
09. Loading child variation dropdowns
4m 28s
10. Faking adding the final variation
9m 33s
11. Setting up product stock
4m 34s
12. Calculating variation stock levels
9m 1s
13. Adding product images with MediaLibrary
8m 50s
14. Creating the product gallery
7m 28s
15. Providing a fallback image
2m 56s
16. Adding media to product variations
3m 37s
17. Creating the cart model
3m 37s
18. Registering the cart service
6m 34s
19. Creating a cart session
11m 4s
20. Showing the cart in the navigation
9m 19s
21. Caching the cart instance
3m 2s
22. Adding items to the cart
14m 1s
23. Creating the notification component
8m 5s
24. Showing the user's cart
6m 50s
25. Outputting cart items
4m 50s
26. Showing variation specifics
8m 8s
27. Updating item quantity
8m 2s
28. Removing an item from the cart
6m 1s
29. Calculating the cart summary
8m 7s
30. Showing the category products page
5m 1s
31. Indexing products in Meilisearch
8m 32s
32. Hooking up products to categories
4m 15s
33. Building the product browser
13m 32s
34. Showing child categories
1m 51s
35. Indexing product variations for filtering
36. Outputting variations for filtering
12m 52s
37. Hooking up product filters with Livewire
7m 48s
38. Filtering products
12m 24s
39. Filtering by price
9m 50s
40. Adding global navigation search
7m 50s
41. Handling products that are not live
3m 22s
42. Price range category fix
1m 18s
43. Scaffolding the checkout page
8m 6s
44. Listing shipping options
9m 3s
45. Calculating the cart totals
2m 52s
46. Validating the account form
9m 10s
47. Validating the shipping form
5m 47s
48. Saving the shipping address
8m 4s
49. Selecting a saved shipping address
6m 39s
50. Fix shipping address error for non authenticated users
1m 7s
51. Redirecting if the cart is empty
2m 42s
52. Checking for quantity changes
7m 11s
53. Syncing if quantities have changed
11m 59s
54. Flashing a message when quantities have changed
5m 48s
55. Setting up for orders
5m 17s
56. Creating an order
13m 24s
57. Attaching variations to order
6m 13s
58. Reducing stock after ordering
2m 56s
59. Meilisearch filter query fix
1m 33s
60. Showing the order confirmation page
7m 39s
61. Attaching orders for registering guest users
5m 17s
62. Scaffolding the orders page
5m 30s
63. Filling in order variation details
5m 24s
64. Returning the order status
4m 39s
65. Detecting order status changes
10m 49s
66. Sending the order status change email
5m 12s
67. Sending an order confirmation email
2m 47s
68. Handling deleted cart records
4m 44s
69. Transferring the guest cart
2m 44s
70. Creating a presenter for the order status
4m 31s
71. Setting up Stripe
3m 43s
72. Creating and updating a PaymentIntent
16m 21s
73. The Stripe card form
3m 35s
74. Validating before payment
5m 34s
75. Submitting a payment
6m 40s
76. Checking for a successful payment
5m 47s
77. Handling Stripe client errors
3m 11s
78. Entangling Stripe customer data
2m 18s


We're going to focus on our navigation now and adding the cart button into the navigation but
also the count of items we currently have inside of the cart. Now at the moment we can't add anything to our cart but this is going to show us how we can do this and then also later when we do for example choose black size a and click add to cart we won't have to refresh the page because we're going to create a live wire component for this cart to refresh this for us. So let's take
a look at the current state of our navigation which I've just closed off. Now at the moment this is just a blade component and we tweaked this earlier. This is referenced inside of our main app file. Now at the moment we can't really add much dynamic behavior to this navigation like our search which we're eventually going to do and also our cart button. So I'm going to turn
this into a live wire component so we can easily refresh it. So let's go over and create out a live wire component which represents our navigation. So let's say live wire make and we'll just call this navigation. So we're going to go ahead and open up our navigation.blade.php file, grab the contents of this and open up navigation.blade.php inside of our live wire views
and paste this in. Then we can come back over to app.blade.php and we can replace this with a live wire component and we shouldn't see any difference at all because at the moment we've just got a blade file that's rendering out everything as normal and live wire works really well for that. So now that we've got our navigation I'm going to really make sure we delete our base navigation
which should be under the layout here. So we don't want that in there anymore and let's come over and we now have a live wire component for our nav. So let's go ahead and create out that cart item over on navigation. So let's figure out where we're going to put this and I think if we go over to the settings drop down section yeah we could put this just here I think
I think that would be absolutely fine. So let me go ahead and copy over some predefined markup for this very very very simple there we go. So let's just go ahead and pull that in and effectively what I've done is just taken one of the styles that we already have for our navigation items just over here and just very slightly tweaked it. So let's just add some content in here let's say
carton zero and let's give that a refresh and there we go so it sits directly next to that. Now we can change this up by adding some spacing in here so let's say space x8 just to space out them items and I think that's fine for now. We can also go ahead and log out and see what that looks like of course because we have a guest car and I think that looks absolutely fine. Okay so we can
leave ourselves logged out that's fine but I am going to come over to the products page just so we have something nicer to look at and let's focus on grabbing the total amount of items that we actually have in our cart. Let's come over to our cart class and the first thing we want to do because at the moment we don't have any way to pull this out of the database what we want is some
sort of method which is going to allow us to grab the current instance of our cart out of the database. So let's go and just create out a method called instance this isn't going to work brilliantly at the moment we're going to look at caching this in the next episode but let's go ahead and just say return and cart model or model cart I think it's namespaced under in here and
where uuid and then first so let's go and fill this in and we know that this is under our session so session and get and then config cart session and key let's just roll over this just in case it doesn't make sense so this is our cart model the one that exists in the database we know that we've got a uuid stored in our session and this will have been for the one where I was logged in
and this was the one where I'm logged out we're plucking it this out where the uuid equals the uuid that we have stored in our session and then we're just grabbing the first item out of here so what we could do is again just test this out so I'm going to come over to our product in fact we can come over to our navigation now and test this so under live wire let's go ahead and pass our
cart interface directly into our render method and we'll just die dump on cart instance and let's just see what we get okay there we go so we've got our car instance there from the database which means because this is now a model we can start to pluck out the relationships for like the variations we have stored when we've added these to our cart so with this we're actually going to make this a
protected method because we're not going to need to access this directly from outside of our class because everything else is just going to lean on this instance now this isn't cached at the moment so every time we call instance we're going to be performing a database query we'll look at a really simple caching technique to get rid of that in the next episode so the next method that we're going
to implement is the contents of our cart so what that is going to do is basically just return to us very very simply using the instance all of the variations which we haven't set up yet from our cart so if we come over to our cart model we know that this has multiple variations so let's create a variations method here and we'll just say that this has many
and variation like so so let's go ahead and call this contents method from our navigation here just play around with it let's give that a refresh and yes we've got variations cart id does not exist oh of course it's not a has many it's a belongs to so let's come over to belongs to many so let's come over to our cart model and this is belongs to many variation because we're working through a
pivot table and the pivot attaches this to the variations let's give that a refresh and there we go so we've currently got no items but we could kind of mock this just to get a feel for how it's going to work so i'm going to add a manual row in the database here and i'm going to attach the current session which i'm assuming is the latest one to these black size eights and i'm just going
to say a quantity of one so let's save this out come over and give this a refresh and there we go so that is one item technically in our car that we have manually added so now that we've done that what we can do is using this contents grab how many are in here now this isn't the total quantity so we don't need to think about summing up quantities just yet we just want the
total unique variations that we've added so let's go ahead and create a method in here called content count and let's just return this contents and just say count so we're just using a count on a laravel collection that we get back so we can use contents count now to display this in our navigation let's just check this is working first of all that should say one and sure enough
it does if we had more of course it would increment so this is the value that we want to display so let's go and just cut this out of here we're not going to pass this directly down to the template instead because we might need to reference it in multiple places and we might need to do some other cool stuff with it we want to go ahead and create a getter so let's go ahead and create
out a get cart property method so what that's going to do is again use our car interface and just return that to us cached because livewire will cache dynamic properties that we create inside of there so now what we can do is inside of our navigation template in place of this we can say cart which is now available and contents count like so so if we come over and
give that a refresh and undefined variable cart so that needs to be this cart because that's a property there we go we've got one item in our cart and of course if we come over here and just duplicate this down and choose maybe the white size eights as well we see two items in the cart so there we go so now when we eventually get to clicking this add to cart button and we call our cart to add an
item and attach a variation to our cart model we can actually refresh this and then the cart value will be updated because it will read the new value but there is a massive issue with the way that we have set things up at the moment and that is the amount of queries we're going to be running and we're going to talk about that in the next episode before we go any further
78 episodes8 hrs 42 mins


Build a robust e-commerce platform with a Laravel and Livewire. Features products with unlimited and flexible variations, a product browser with filters and price range slider, global product search, guest checkout, shipping and payment implementation, order status tracking and more.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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