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32. Taking customer details


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Let's focus on submitting this overall form, which of course contains the employee, the service, and potentially the name and email.
We'll do some validation, get that all working, and then in the next couple of episodes, we'll look at rechecking availability as the form is submitted, and also, obviously,
creating the appointment. So let's hop over. And this overall form here, we can add a wire submit to. And we are not going to call a create appointment method.
We're just going to call a submit method, which is going to do the validation, the checks, and then we'll defer the creation of the appointment to another method.
OK, so let's head over to our checkout component here. And let's just create a submit method in here. And what this is going to do is validate the form. So all we need to do is say this form validate.
And any validation rules that we have on our checkout form, which we don't have any at the moment, will be validated successfully. So let's go and validate each of these.
Now, they're all required. So the date is required, although it shouldn't be unavailable. But we could do stuff like set the date format.
So when we do submit this and insert the starts and ends at date, we know that everything is good. So we're going to set that to YMD. We'll do a similar thing for the time.
We can validate the time structure as well. So we can still use date format for this. But we can say hours and minutes in PHP, like so. And we want to add a couple of others.
So we want a name. So let's say public string. And again, we'll make that nullable. And that's going to be named.
Set that to a default of null and email. And this is where you just want to add more if you want to store more details in the database. So again, we'll go ahead and validate this.
We'll just keep things super simple for now. Just set that to required. And we'll do the same thing for email. We'll set it to required.
And make sure it's an email address. OK, let's hook up the name in the email, submit this, do some testing, and we should be good. So over on our checkout.blade.php form,
if we come down to where we enter our name, let's just find that. And let's hook this up with wire model to form and name. And we'll do exactly the same thing for our email address.
So form and email. And we should be good. They should now be hooked up. Let's quickly add some validation errors in here.
So let's grab the error for the form name. And we'll just really quickly style this up. So let's grab the message within the scope of this. And let's just start this up really quickly.
So let's set a margin top of 2, text small, font medium. And let's set text to red 500. That should do. We can just go ahead and copy this and add that
for our email as well. So let's just swap that over to email. And we should be good. OK, so now when we submit this, there we go.
Great. So we can't do anything until that is in there. And of course, we can't do any of this until we've chosen a slot.
So to make this a little bit nicer, what we could do is take the entire Your Details and Books section and wrap that in a conditional. And that conditional is going to be if we have a slot.
So let's say if this form slot. And that's going to be time, not slot. And there we go. So we can't do that until we've chosen a time slot.
Then we can enter our details. And we can book an appointment. Great. So we now know that is all hooked up
and validation is working. And we can move on. Let's just go ahead and enter some details just to make sure this is all good.
And let's submit it. And yeah, there we go. So the next couple of steps is to recheck availability and get that appointment created.
36 episodes3 hrs 4 mins


Building an availability calendar and booking system is a notoriously difficult problem to solve. That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this course.

Step by step, we’ll build an appointment slot generator that calculates availability based on employee schedules, employee’s booked time off, the length of service chosen, existing appointments, and cancelled appointments.

For maximum flexibility, we’ll also allow multi-employee availability checks, so we’ll be able to see every employee who can perform a service (and their available slots).

To finish up, we’ll create an entire booking flow with Livewire, including a beautiful booking calendar that shows detailed availability across multiple dates, the ability to choose a time slot — and finally the ability to book an appointment.

Phew. We’ve got a lot to learn — let’s build a booking system with Livewire!

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!

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