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09. Showing the referral page and incrementing visits


At the moment, we're just dumping this referral code on the page.
Once a user goes through and actually clicks on our referral link, that's obviously not what we want. So let's create out a view for this. So let's say make view.
And we will call this referral.index. So we'll just keep this kind of separate from what we did within our account area. And let's return that view in here, so referral and index.
And really, we just want to pass down the referral code. So let's go and pass that referral code down. Great. So let's head over to our referral index page.
And with this, we kind of want a guest layout. We don't want the user to be signed in. We can't use an authenticated layout, because they're not going to have their user
information in the nav bar. And of course, this depends on how you're actually building your app and how your layouts look. But I'm going to go ahead and just grab the login.blade.php
guest layout here. And we'll just do that in here. And we'll just dump the referral code on the page. So that is going to look a lot better.
So from our referral code, we know if we look at our model, we've got the user in here. So we can say to this user, you've been referred by. And then we can give their name.
So we're going to build this out as a form, because in the next episode, we're going to look at setting the cookie. And we want to post through to another route
in here to actually set that cookie. But let's go ahead and build this out. So we'll create out a paragraph in here and just say, you've been referred by.
And then we'll give the user's name. So we can just say referral code, access the user, and then grab their name. So that's going to look a lot better.
And then down here, we're going to have a button. So we'll just use the x-primary-button component that comes with this library. And we'll just say sign up for 20% off or whatever it is.
So that's what that looks like. OK, so I'm just going to add a couple of styles to the outer wrapper here. So let's set a padding of 6.
We'll set all of the text to center. And we'll space all of them out on the y-axis by 6. And there we go. You've been referred by Alex.
And we can click on this to go ahead and go through to the next step. Now, let's not forget to just add in our cross-site request forgery token in here when we do get to submit this.
But that's pretty much our page now. Now, this doesn't look great. So let's bring that cross-site request forgery token down to the bottom so that spacing isn't affected.
OK, so the last thing that we want to do here is increment the visits or views count, whatever we called it. So let's go over to our database and just remind ourselves visits is the one that we want to increment.
Clicks is going to be when we go through to set the cookie. And to actually increment this is incredibly easy. So we just want to say referral code, increment. And then we would just want to increment the visits column.
And that will do exactly as you expect. It will just increment this by one. Or you can increment it by more. But of course, we don't need to do that.
OK, so let's go over to that page now, give this a refresh a couple of times. And sure enough, with our referral codes, we've got a ton of these because we've still
got a load of users hanging around. But let's just have a look at ours, which is here. And yeah, sure enough, we've got three visits. Great.
There we go. We've built out the page to show the user the referral, click through eventually, and we're incrementing those visits.
24 episodes2 hrs 39 mins


Let's build a feature complete Laravel referral system, completely from scratch.

We’ll cover generating referral codes, setting a cookie to track the referral process, hooking up referrals to subscriptions and displaying detailed referral stats in a dashboard, so your users can see how they're doing.

On the admin side, we'll set up a job to automatically generate a CSV with all the amounts you need to pay out each month, automatically mark referrals as paid, and display historical referral payments for users.

Alex Garrett-Smith
Alex Garrett-Smith
Hey, I'm the founder of Codecourse!


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