Alex my friend I have sent you an email but no reply the Ecomerce site needs re-doing few reason why.
The $this->emit() function has changed in Livewire 3 to $this->dispatch now this works on the $refresh function but on the $this->dispatchBrowserEvent() Livewire have also changed this to just $this->dispatch() as well and the documentation is not very clear and it does not work giving the error it cannot read the length.
Caching the cart does not work either in Laravel 11.
I had a go the Shipping Types but to do that you can not go ion each individual variation it has to be on the weight for more that one variation and grabbing out the 1 variation is a lot of messing about it cant be done on pivot table. So that needs to be looked at.
Localisation a language switcher now this easy to implement but making is not how do we do it and bit of advice I found an other currency package which is a lot easier to use and can be implemented the same way Toran Currency lot better than the money package
Finally on your video Meilisearch has a setting to increase the number of products in brings back in the search but in your video its limited and because Meilisearch is always changing there versions this needs to be updated as well to show how to increase and add pagnation.
Trust me Alex on this one Ive learnt a lot from you and if you do this new video your reputation will go to sky high because no ones done it yet.